The video conferencing platform scene has been flooded with investment and I am really looking forward to whatever new innovative services we will see next.
It's been almost a year since we were forced into the new normal of "virtual" meetings and events. I get the feeling the feeling that plenty of people are still adapting, questioning the validity of virtual meetings and even probing for weakness. However, after a year of hosting and facilitating virtual meetings and events my expectations are sky high.
Watch a short preview of the Service Innovation Wall, the workshop tool designed to help you grow your service culture and solve innovation challenges.
We love Zoom. It’s been very reliable for us and works great, from small groups up to hundreds of people. Buried under the hoodie, there are some great features. Here are 5 Zoom hidden gems...
Leaders in pubic and private sector organisations are trying to understand what motivates people and what brings them together to pursue shared goals. Meanwhile, HR is scrambling to explain and mobilise new hybrid remote and distributed work communities.